I’m OK, You’re OK

Somedays that’s all we need to know

Is it Monday Today? October 29, 2008

Filed under: ZombieMom — meandmom @ 5:48 pm
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I woke up this morning very groggy from a poor night’s sleep.  Like I do every morning, I started the shower (it takes about a year ten minutes for the hot water to show up) and I started the coffee.  I keep a two mug coffee maker on my bathroom counter so I don’t have to go all the way downstairs to start the process.  Yup….I’m lazy like that.  What?  I went back to bed to snooze until the water and coffee were ready.  When I hit the snooze for the last time….Seriously..What?….I made my way to the shower and to grab my mug of coffee.  By the way…..it helps when making a mug of coffee to actually put the mug under the coffee maker.  It saves the carpet on the floor from getting messy.

Your welcome.

-The Mom